Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Multiple Streams of Income

The term ‘Multiple Streams of Income’ is thrown around in this industry
so much that it has become cliche.
Many ask how to manage several offers at one time effectively.

This discourse takes us to a more logical decision to do this,
rather than to not -the more you examine it.

When investing for the long haul many people choose
to invest in mutual funds rather than in a couple stocks.
This is a smart choice since you mitigate risk,
as economies and buying trends always change.
I prefer to have a diversified portfolio of
opportunities rather than just relying on the performance of one.

How do I do this?  I use the tried and true approach of the assembly line.
We know how Henry Ford utilized this method
years ago to help revolutionize the production of automobiles.

I first research  a product or program by testing it.
I purchase every product I am interested marketing
as though I were my own customer.
I follow all of the given directions
and record the results in terms of ease of use and ROI.
If the product/program seems to be too difficult
for the average person with basic computer skills I note that and continue.

I then move the product/program to my next ‘station’ to promote it.
This would involve all of the suggested advertising methods.
I again track the realized revenues or the lack there of.

The final station is where I attack the product with every
known free and paid traffic method on the planet.
I again note the results and determine whether or not the
program is worthy, in terms of time and resources needed to create a suitable profit.

The more difficult a program is
to operate translates into the more customer service
I will have to attach.
Meaning personal attention to training as I provide full support for anything I promote-personally.

In conclusion, If I am endorsing a program/product –
I have personally tested it and have found the results
 to be positive financially.

Henry Ford did not build all the cars himself and was aided by a team.
 I employ help to manage my assembly line and line up of programs as well.
This is the only way I feel this is done effectively.
Attaching my brand to a program or programs
means something more than just attempting to collect more checks.

It is the difference between building a REAL BUSINESS and operating a ‘scheme’.

P.S. The Applied Cash Flow system will increase the probability of success with any program that is fundamentally sound. This according to my well documented line of research.

If you are into Internet Marketing and only want to apply your time
to realize exponential growth. This is most certainly ->(your solution)

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